The Mexican War of Independence
The Mexican War of Independence was a long and complex struggle that lasted from 1810 to 1821. It was fought between the Spanish colonial authorities and various groups of rebels who wanted to end Spain's rule over Mexico. The war had many causes, phases, and consequences, and it shaped the history and identity of both nations.
One of the main causes of the war was the discontent of the criollos, or Mexican-born Spaniards, who felt discriminated by the peninsulares, or Spanish-born officials, who monopolized political and economic power. Another cause was the influence of the Enlightenment ideas and the French and American revolutions, which inspired some criollos to seek more autonomy and rights for themselves and other social groups, such as mestizos (mixed-race), indigenous people, and slaves. A third cause was the crisis of legitimacy of the Spanish monarchy, which was invaded by Napoleon in 1808 and replaced by his brother Joseph Bonaparte.
The war had several phases, each marked by different leaders, strategies, and alliances. The first phase began with the Grito de Dolores, a call to arms issued by Miguel Hidalgo, a progressive priest, on September 16, 1810. Hidalgo led a large army of peasants and indigenous people, but he was captured and executed in 1811. The second phase was led by José María Morelos, another priest who organized a more disciplined and effective rebel force. He also drafted a constitution that declared Mexico an independent republic with equal rights for all races and religions. However, he was also captured and executed in 1815. The third phase was characterized by a fragmentation of the rebel movement into several factions that fought among themselves and against the royalists. The fourth and final phase began with the Plan of Iguala, a proposal made by Agustín de Iturbide, a former royalist general who switched sides and joined forces with Vicente Guerrero, one of the last insurgent leaders. The plan offered a compromise between the rebels and the loyalists: it recognized Mexico's independence from Spain, but maintained a constitutional monarchy with a Spanish prince as king. It also established three guarantees: religion (Catholicism as the official faith), union (no distinction between criollos and peninsulares), and independence (no foreign intervention). The plan was accepted by most parties, and on September 27, 1821, Iturbide entered Mexico City as the head of the Army of the Three Guarantees.
The war had many consequences for both Mexico and Spain. For Mexico, it meant the end of three centuries of colonial domination and the birth of a new nation with its own identity and challenges. It also meant a social transformation that abolished slavery and granted some rights to non-white groups, although racial inequalities persisted. For Spain, it meant the loss of its most valuable overseas possession and a severe blow to its prestige and power in Europe and America. It also meant a political change that forced it to adopt a more liberal constitution in 1820.
In conclusion, the Mexican War of Independence was a pivotal event in the history of both countries. It was driven by multiple factors that reflected the tensions and aspirations of different social groups. It involved various phases that showed the complexity and diversity of the rebel movement. And it resulted in various outcomes that shaped the future development and relations of both nations.